Sunday, July 29, 2012

Cultivating Happiness

The idea of cultivating happiness is not new - it actually is a main component of Buddhism, however, the practice of cultivating happiness seems almost foreign in our society today. 

How do you cultivate happiness? 

Happiness is a mindset. Contrary to popular opinion, happiness is not a result of something good or great happening, it is a individual mindset one has about life. 

For instance, I once went on a missions trip to Mexico as a youth. I walked away from that trip seriously evaluating my attitude and my life because I spent time with people who seemed to have almost nothing but who also almost glowed with contentment, sincerity and just...peace. What we would call true happiness.

Cultivating happiness starts with recognizing what you have as opposed to concentrating on what you do not have. What is it that you have? Do you have your health? People who love you? Freedom? Talent? 

Once you start to focus on what you do have (and it does take some practice), you will start to notice you will begin to feel something a little like contentment. And you will start to notice it's not so difficult to stop thinking of what you do not have anymore. 

Try something for me today. Find one positive thing about your life that makes you happy. Nothing materialistic either, but something that brings a smile to your face just by thinking about it. Focus on that one thing for an entire day. Every time you start feeling negative about something, think about that one thing and push the negative thoughts away. 

Take this one baby step with me and you will be on your way to cultivating happiness.